100 Words: Castle Panic Attack

Note: Today’s 100 Words was inspired by the board game Castle Panic. If you haven’t tried it, I highly recommend it. Especially if you like cooperative games.

If you have played Castle Panic, this situation should seem very familiar. And you’ll probably be cursing the Troll King just as much as we do when he shows up!

A boulder bounced down the hill and smashed into a wall just east of Callum and Syrine, the fourth such attack the Troll King’s minions had lobbed at Ferrin Castle. Each stone had breached the castle’s walls, and each had been followed by a goblin brigade or a phalanx of orcs. Only the skill of Callum’s archers and the bravery of his knights had held the monsters at bay.

The stonemasons’ brick and mortar had long since run out, but men still scrambled to repair the breach with whatever rubble they could find.

Wasted effort, Callum thought. The advancing hordes would make short work of the repairs. The masons would do better to grab a sword or pike and ready themselves to defend the castle and those inside.

Two walls remained standing: the north tower wall, afforded the natural protection of Adalende Bay, and the wall on which Callum now stood, fortified against attack as soon as Callum heard of the Troll King’s march.

Neither would protect the castle long.

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