If You Give a Mouse Some Yarn: Knitting in MouseGuard

So, Chad’s in a play-by-forum game of MouseGuard over on rpggeek.com. And when someone posted this, well, he just had to show me: “Look, whenever I start feeling anxious, or nervous, or angry, I knit.” [Halwyn] holds up a paw to forestall her amused response. “It’s true! My mother taught… Continue reading

Render Unto Caesar his Golden Geek

In October, I told you how surprised and delighted Chad and I were that Cthulhu Invictus (2009 edition) was nominated for a Golden Geek award. Earlier this month, we found out that it had made it to the short list. This morning, the folks over at RPGGeek.com announced that Cthulhu Invictus won the 2010 Golden Geek Award for Best RPG Supplement of the Year! Continue reading

The Worshipful Order of Horologists

Those of you who follow me on Twitter or Facebook might recall me talking about a project I called “WOH” last year. And now it’s out. The Worshipful Order of Horologists is… Continue reading