100 Words, Day 2

The barge lumbered through the ocean, its hull so heavy and flat that only the crash of waves against steel assured those inside they were still at sea. Crates and barrels had dampened the noise when the Magadan left port in Ramsgate, but now the sound thumped through a hold… Continue reading

Not Quite a Story-a-Day

Apparently May 1st marked the start of the Story-a-Day challenge. Which I found out about a day or two before May. I was tempted to join in the fun, but Chad reminded me that I need to keep focused on the book I’m writing. Writing thirty-one different short stories is guaranteed to get my imagination going, but it’s also likely to yank my mind firmly out of early 20th Century Russia where it belongs right now.

Still, I wanted to do something. Continue reading

Busy, busy, busy — BREAK! And brakes…

For the last three weeks, I’ve been busy editing a manuscript. Not one of my own. Something someone else wrote. This was the first editing pass. I wrapped it up and emailed everything to both the author and the publisher Friday night with thirteen minutes to spare before the clock… Continue reading