(Mostly) Wordless Wednesday: Up To Date Kittens!

Kova, Kaya, and Garin got their first vaccination (and second deworming) tonight, so you know what that means. Yep! They get to go to their first adoption fair this Saturday. And Sunday, too, of course. Which means YOU can finally get to meet them! It also means that instead of… Continue reading

(Mostly) Wordless Wednesday: Sleepytime Garin

My friend Azizah Asgarali, aka @gourmetpens, has a regular feature on her blog called Wordless Wednesday. It’s usually pics of her gorgeous cats. I thought it might be something nice to start doing on my blog. After all, with 6-week-old kittens in the house, we have no shortage of cat… Continue reading

Remembering Akhe

I’ll never forget the day we got the call about fostering Akhe. Jennifer, a volunteer on ARFP‘s rescue team, told us that she needed a foster home for two young kittens, about ten weeks old. “They’re pretty scared – not feral, just timid, so they’ll need a lot of socialization…. Continue reading