Render Unto Caesar his Golden Geek

In October, I told you how surprised and delighted Chad and I were that Cthulhu Invictus (2009 edition) was nominated for a Golden Geek award. Earlier this month, we found out that it had made it to the short list. This morning, the folks over at announced that Cthulhu Invictus won the 2010 Golden Geek Award for Best RPG Supplement of the Year! Continue reading

News in Lieu of Views

Since I’m still deciding which of the 588 pictures I took during our train ride this weekend I want to blog about, I thought I’d take a moment to share some news. Continue reading

How Twitter Made Me a Better Writer

A lot of times when I mention Twitter, my friends and family respond with rolling eyes, blank looks, or comments of, “I don’t care what other people are eating.” Although I explain to them that people tweet about more than food and that Twitter can be a useful tool, I… Continue reading