The Firetrucks Have to Be Going to Your House

Wow, has it really been that long since my last blog post? Sorry about that. When I went to the doctor for my annual checkup, they thought an extended poking and prodding would be great fun this year. It’s been a bit distracting. Still, even though they aren’t quite done… Continue reading

The Importance of POV

In my last post about the 2011 Write-Brained Network Writing Workshop, I revealed David L. Robbins’ bombshell that “write what you know” is a lie. This time I’m going to share his advice about what he considers the most important thing to know about writing: POV. In a story, David… Continue reading

#FridayFlash Fiction: Candlelight and Darkness

Her chambers were dark. Same as they always were, same as they’d been for as long as she could remember. Silence surrounded her, not even the sound of crickets nor the howl of jackals to break the monotony. That would end soon enough. She arranged the candles as her sire… Continue reading