Surprised and Delighted

I know I said my next post would be about Fahrenheit 451, but I got some exciting news last night that I had to share.

Cthulhu Invictus has been nominated for a 2010 Golden Geek Award for Best RPG Supplement!

If you can’t tell, I’m thrilled. πŸ˜€ And I’ll be thrilled even if we don’t win. This is definitely one of those “just being nominated is an honor” times. Nominees for the Golden Geek Awards are selected by the gamers at and, and only the top ten in each category make it to the final ballot for voting. Knowing that enough gamers out there liked our book enough for it to get nominated truly makes my day.

I also noticed that Fiasco by Jason Morningstar is nominated for RPG Game of the Year. Can’t say I’m surprised. That is a fantastic game. Chad and I playtested it with Jason and a great group of folks at MACE a couple years ago, and we had a blast. If you haven’t tried it, you should. I wouldn’t let just any game credit me as Andi “Chicken Hut” Newton, you know*. Fiasco earned it. πŸ˜‰

Voting for the Golden Geeks goes through Oct 31st. If we win, I’ll post about it here. But even if we don’t, know that I’m still grinning just from getting nominated. πŸ˜€

*I was credited for playtesting in Fiasco. I didn’t write anything for it. Although I would, if Jason asked. Seriously, great game.

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2 Responses to Surprised and Delighted

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