A Trip to the Zoo, with Pictures

This past weekend my sisters and my niece came for a short visit. We don’t get to see them very often, so I was excited when they said they were coming for the weekend. In addition to playing Kinect, showing them our local farmers’ market, and just hanging out &… Continue reading

Rejectigami Crawfish & A Writerly Crisis of Faith

If you follow me on Twitter, you’ve probably already seen this week’s origami. But I thought I’d post it here as well, both for those who don’t do the Twitter thing and for those who do but missed it (things can move pretty quickly in the Twitter stream, after all)…. Continue reading

#ICAD 4 At the Throne of the Faerie King

The girl dropped to her knees at the base of the throne. Not from obeisance like the pale, angular courtiers around her, but from fear. The king could have commanded her to stand. It was his right. But instead he knelt before her, like a supplicant, and brushed the hair… Continue reading