What is it about special needs cats that grabs my heart so much?
At some point in the past, October broke her back leg. It wasn’t set by a veterinarian, so it healed badly, going completely under her body to her other side. It was unusable — she just dragged it on the ground under her.
Luckily, someone saw her and contacted ARFP. Our rescue team stepped in and got her to the vet, where she had surgery to remove that leg. It was a pretty intensive surgery, more than the vet even thought it would be at first.
As soon as Chad and I saw the video ARFP posted of October on FB, we offered to be her foster home. We set up my office (where Muffin normally gets her sub-q fluids) to be her recovery suite. The next day, October was released from the vet hospital, and we picked her up from the ARFP adoption center.
We’ll post more videos as October recuperates and learns to live life as a tripod.
If you’d like to help with October’s medical bills, please visit http://arfpnc.com to make a donation. Thank you!